Antonio Fernández
Full Professor
School of Industrial Engineering
University of Vigo
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial (sede campus)
Campus Universitario
36310 Vigo
Phone: (+34) 986 818 602
Academic profiles
Groups I belong to
News and events
Virtualia website
The website of the Virtualia teaching innovation group has been launched. Thanks to Alberto Pazó from CIFAL SL for his excellent work in the development of this project. We truly appreciate his expertise, dedication, and attention to detail. Posted: 10-Jan-2025
3D GeoInfo paper
Congratulations to Rosa and Patricia, who successfully presented their work A Top-Down Hierarchical Approach for Automatic Indoor Segmentation and Connectivity Detection for Building Reconstruction in The 19th International 3D GeoInfo Conference, which I have coauthored. Posted: 3-Jul-2024