Contact information

Antonio Fernández
Full Professor
School of Industrial Engineering
University of Vigo

Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial (sede campus)
Campus Universitario
36310 Vigo

Phone: (+34) 986 818 602

Academic profiles

News and events

  • 3D GeoInfo paper
    Congratulations to Rosa and Patricia, who successfully presented their work A Top-Down Hierarchical Approach for Automatic Indoor Segmentation and Connectivity Detection for Building Reconstruction in The 19th International 3D GeoInfo Conference, which I have coauthored.
    Posted: 3-Jul-2024

  • EVA course
    On 20 June 2024 I was at the secondary school A Guía giving the teacher training course Creation of digital educational resources for the EVA Abalar platform.
    Posted: 21-Jun-2024

  • INGEGRAF 2024
    In mid-June I attended the 12th JCM - 33rd INGEGRAF joint conference held in Valencia, where I presented the work Peer assessment in Engineering Graphics through Moodle workshop activity.
    Posted: 16-Jun-2024